Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Peanut Butter Ritz

I have been trying to keep it low key this Christmas with my baking and candy making. I haven't made much except for some Cranberry Orange Bread and a few cookies. One new thing I did try however, was these peanut butter crackers. I got the idea from a cook book I own called Eat More Dessert by Jenny Keller. I love this cookbook! It has such cute and easy dessert ideas for parties. I also love it because I was able to go to a book signing and she autographed my book. :) I won't post her recipe, because I'm sure she would like you to buy the book, but I'll give you the basics. I spread some peanut butter between 2 Ritz crackers and then dipped it in melted almond bark. I also tried it with green and red. You could make these for any occasion really, and they are extra cute with a little piped on design on the top.

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